Elandra, travel

Travel pieces on TV, print and online

III World Nomad Games, Kyrgyzstan – Reportage (ITA)
La Repubblica

A reportage published on Italian newspaper La Repubblica (10 September, page 13) from a not so known Central Asian country, where nomad traditions and rural life are still alive. WhatsApp Image 2018-09-12 at 07.21.14

LifeGate – Travel

KYRGYZSTAN. The story of the Kyrgyz village which is moving away from an economy solely based on its coal mine towards a new clean business of sustainable tourism. glo_8213.jpg

ECUADOR. The famous Panama straw hat is in fact from Ecuador, produced in the city of Cuenca. We’ve visited the place and talked to the people weaving this traditional product with a fascinating story.

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Travel documentaries aired on Kilimangiaro, iconic programme on the Italian public TV RAI3

Qinghai, China

(producer and script writing: Gloria Schiavi; camera: Alessandro Di Federico; director: Chiara Cetorelli)

North Peru

(producer: Gloria Schiavi; camera: Alessandro Di Federico; director: Chiara Cetorelli)



(producer and script writer: Gloria Schiavi; camera: Alessandro Di Federico; director: Chiara Cetorelli)


Quito, Ecuador

(producer and script writing: Gloria Schiavi; camera: Alessandro Di Federico; director: Chiara Cetorelli)
quito screenshot

Zhejiang, China

(producer and script writing: Gloria Schiavi; camera: Alessandro Di Federico; director: Chiara Cetorelli)

zhejiang screenshot

Galapagos, Ecuador

(producer and script writing: Gloria Schiavi; camera: Alessandro Di Federico; supervision: Chiara Cetorelli)

Galapagos slide


(producer: Gloria Schiavi; camera: Alessandro Di Federico; director: Chiara Cetorelli)

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(producer: Gloria Schiavi; camera: Alessandro Di Federico; director: Chiara Cetorelli)